Actor Akshay Kumar has said he was "shaken" on seeing the video of two women being paraded naked in Manipur and has said the culprits should be punished in a manner that no one can think of committing a "horrifying" act such as this.
"Shaken, disgusted to see the video of violence against women in Manipur. I hope the culprits get such a harsh punishment that no one ever thinks of doing a horrifying thing like this again," the actor tweeted this morning.
Shaken, disgusted to see the video of violence against women in Manipur. I hope the culprits get such a harsh punishment that no one ever thinks of doing a horrifying thing like this again.
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) July 20, 2023
This comes after a shocking video of two women being paraded naked by a group of men in Manipur circulated on social media, drawing calls for strict action.
The incident happened on May 4 in Kangpokpi district, about 35 km from Manipur capital Imphal, according to a statement by the Indigenous Tribal Leaders' Forum (ITLF). The police, however, have said the incident happened in another district, but the first information report (FIR) was filed in Kangpokpi.
Chief Minister N Biren Singh has described the incident as a crime against humanity and asked police to investigate the matter on priority. Women and Child Development Minister Smriti Irani has said the incident is "condemnable and downright inhuman".
"The horrific video of sexual assault of two women emanating from Manipur is condemnable and downright inhuman. Spoke to Chief Minister N Biren Singh ji, who has informed me that investigation is currently underway and assured that no effort will be spared to bring perpetrators to justice," she tweeted.
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