This Article is From Feb 19, 2010

All 26/11 issues to be discussed with Pak: Chidambaram

New Delhi: Home Minister P Chidambaram has said that while the agenda for the talks between India and Pakistan has not been finalised, all pending issues related to the 26/11 investigation will be taken up during the Foreign Secretary level talks between the two countries on February 25.

Quoting the External Affairs Minister, Chidambaram said that Pakistan had filed a chargesheet in the 26/11 case and there had been forward movement which is why the time was right for talks.

On the question David Headley's extradition Chidambaram said, " We will go through legal process to seek his access."

Speaking on Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee, the Home Minister said she is not soft on Maoists and her stand that the West Bengal government is collaborating with Naxals does not affect government policy.

"She has not been soft on Maoists. Her argument is that Maoists and Marxists have been collaborators in the past. That is her argument. Why should I comment on her argument?" he said during an interaction with journalists at Indian Women's Press Corps.

He said Banerjee has made it clear that she has no truck with Maoists. "She condemns their violence and doesn't support their burning of train tracks".

Chidambaram said Banerjee's views do not affect the three-pronged policy adopted by the Centre which is assisting the state governments in establishing civil administration, holding talks with Maoists if they give up violence and providing funds for development.

"On these three elements which are part of our policy, there is no dissent in the government," he added.

Explaining his offer of talks to Maoists if they abjure violence, the Home Minister said he has not asked them to lay down arms or disband their organisation.

"I have said give up violence for 72 hours, give me 72 hours to consult everyone and respond to your giving up violence and we will find a way out," he said.

On Jharkhand government's decision to let go some women Maoist cadre in return for the release of a BDO kidnapped by Naxals, he said it is for the state authorities to decide what needs to be done to secure the release of the official.

Regarding the President's speech being amended on Mamata Banerjee's suggestion, the Union Home Minister said, "No one has seen the draft speech."

(With PTI inputs)