A high-power committee chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has decided to transfer CBI chief Alok Verma. The decision has been taken barely 48 hours after the Supreme Court reinstated the officer, who was on leave following a public spat with his deputy Rakesh Asthana. The committee today met at PM Modi's house to decide Mr Verma's fate. Before the decision, Mr Verma today transferred five officers a day after cancelling the shunting of 10 other officers. The Supreme Court had ruled that he would not take any policy decision till a committee comprising the Prime Minister, the Chief Justice of India and the leader of the largest opposition party, took a call on his status. Meanwhile, the Congress has attacked PM Modi, saying he was too afraid of an independent probe.
Here are the highlights on Alok Verma's transfer:
In a massive relief to small businesses, the limit for exemption from payment under GST has been doubled to ₹40 lakh from ₹20 lakh. Congratulations to FM @ArunJaitley for this laudable move that will benefit MSMEs and provide an incentive for economic growth.
- Piyush Goyal (@PiyushGoyal) January 10, 2019
CBI is another thriller ! If film is made it will be super hit !!!
- ashutosh (@ashutosh83B) January 10, 2019
PM-led committee removes Alok Verma as CBI chief
- NDTV (@ndtv) January 10, 2019
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