A man was beaten to death at Alwar in Rajasthan on Friday night by villagers who accused him of cow smuggling. The police have identified the man as 28-year-old Rakbar Khan, also known as Akbar. Villagers in Ramgarh saw two men with cows and attacked them, according to the police. The two were beaten up and one of them died on the spot.
Three men were arrested on suspicions of being linked to the case. The police said the men will be charged with murder.
State lawmaker Gyandev Ahuja, however, alleged that the man accused of cattle smuggling died not because of beating by crowds but in police custody, to which home minister Gulab Chand Kataria has said the guilty will be punished.
Amid anger over the killing of a man on suspicions of cow smuggling in Rajasthan, activist Tehseen Poonawalla has demanded action against the Vasundhara Raje government for failing to prevent repeated incidents of mob killings. Mr Poonawalla approached the Supreme Court, which has agreed to hear his plea on August 20 when the bench will hear other cases of mob killing.
Here are the updates from the Alwar lynching case in Rajasthan:
The delay in providing treatment to a man thrashed by a mob on suspicion of cow smuggling, which led to his death, has brought the focus on the Rajasthan police. First they failed to prevent repeated incidents of mob lynching in the state and then they took their sweet time in getting the critically injured man to the hospital."
Policemen in #Alwar took 3 hrs to get a dying Rakbar Khan, the victim of a lynch mob, to a hospital just 6 KM away.
- Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) July 23, 2018
They took a tea-break enroute.
This is Modi's brutal "New India" where humanity is replaced with hatred and people are crushed and left to die. https://t.co/sNdzX6eVSU
In his tweet this morning, Mr Gandhi also targeted "Modi's brutal 'New India'" where hatred rules and "people are crushed and left to die".
"Policemen in Alwar took 3 hrs to get a dying Rakbar Khan, the victim of a lynch mob, to a hospital just 6 KM away. Why? They took a tea-break enroute. This is Modi's brutal "New India" where humanity is replaced with hatred and people are crushed and left to die," he wrote on Twitter.
The man who died in Rajasthan's Alwar after being beaten by a mob on suspicion of cattle smuggling, was in police custody for three hours 45 minutes before he was taken to a hospital early on Saturday, NDTV has found. The police arranged for vehicles to take the seized cows to a shelter, visited the police station - a stone's throw from the hospital -- and even stopped for tea before getting medical help for the injured man. By the time they did, he was dead."
A bench of Chief Justice Dipak Misra, Justice A.M. Khanwilkar and Justice D.Y. Chandrachud said the plea would be heard on August 20, along with the main case by petitioner Tehsheen Poonawala.
Amid the outrage over the killing of a man on suspicions of cow smuggling in Rajasthan, Union Minister Arun Ram Meghwal appeared to make a bizarre link on Saturday between Prime Minister Narendra Modi's popularity, elections and cases of mob killings."
Two days after a second man was beaten to death in Rajasthan's Alwar on suspicions of cattle smuggling, three men have been arrested on suspicions of being linked to the case. The police said the men will be charged with murder."
Amid anger over the killing of a man on suspicions of cow smuggling in Rajasthan, activist Tehseen Poonawalla has demanded action against the Vasundhara Raje government for failing to prevent repeated incidents of mob killings. Mr Poonawalla approached the Supreme Court, which has agreed to hear his plea on August 20 when the bench will hear other cases of mob killing."