Every year, on April 14, Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar's birth anniversary is celebrated as Ambedkar Jayanti. Dr BR Ambedkar, also known as “Babasaheb”, was a social reformer who drafted India's Constitution. He was a jurist and economist whose thoughts influenced generations. Dr Ambedkar was the driving force behind India's Dalit movement. He devoted his entire life to promoting equality, bringing about social improvements and spreading progressive views.
On the birth anniversary of the Father of the Indian Constitution, here are some wishes, messages, and quotes that you can share with your near and dear ones.
— Today is a day to honour Babasaheb Ambedkar's beliefs and the path he took to become the torchbearer of social reform.
— Dr BR Ambedkar was a firm believer in equality and fraternity. Let us continue to follow his ideas. Happy Ambedkar Jayanti.
— This day honours a person who battled oppression and preached the importance of equality. Let us be inspired by him and contribute to the advancement of society.
— Let the spirit of self-confidence, individualism, and resistance to oppression continue to guide us in living life respectfully. Happy Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti
— Ambedkar Jayanti serves as a reminder that we must educate ourselves and strive to improve society. Let us follow Babasaheb's teachings to make this planet a better place to live in.
— Let us all get together to commemorate Dr BR Ambedkar's birthday with the goal of achieving social equality.
— Life is full of challenges, but only heroes like Dr BR Ambedkar dedicate their entire lives to societal upliftment.
— We are blessed to have a leader like Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, who led a meaningful life and contributed to society's growth. Happy Ambedkar Jayanti.
— Let us pay homage to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar on this special day and benefit from his life's lessons.