This Article is From Dec 09, 2016

American Woman Allegedly Gang-Raped Asked To Come And Identify Attackers

All India Written by

American tourist was gang-rapped in Agra in September.

New Delhi: Eleven men have been questioned for the alleged gang-rape of a young American tourist, which took place in Agra in September. The case was filed a week ago after the 25-year-old teacher returned to Pennsylvania and lodged a complaint through a US-based non-profit.

The woman had come to India for two weeks as part of a package tour. She has alleged that her tour guide, along with four staff members of a hotel where she was staying, had spiked her drinking water and gang-raped her.

Senior police officers say they have established the presence of the suspects at the hotel through electronic evidence, but certain inconsistencies have cropped up. They have asked the woman to return to India soon to record her statement in court and identify the suspects.

According to police sources, the tour guide, who is the prime suspect, claims the woman had given a positive feedback to the tour company before leaving. He has also pointed out that she had stayed in the country for a week after the alleged incident without filing any complaint.

The woman's lawyer in India said she had been threatened, and was forced to maintain her silence till she reached home.

"She was threatened by the guide and his friends so she didn't tell anyone in India about this while she was here. She went to an American NGO and they went to a law firm in Chicago. Now both the Chicago and Indian law firm are working together on this," said advocate Mrityunjay Kumar.