Home Minister Amit Shah's security cover has been strengthened with the Delhi Police posting more personnel at his residence in New Delhi. The Delhi Police, which reports to the Home Minister, conducted a review of the threat perception to the BJP chief today and sent in the additional component.
As many as 50 security officials including SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) teams have been placed outside his 11 Akbar Road residence, sources said. Security officials have been also assigned to his newly-allotted 6-A Krishna Menon Marg home. The move comes after Mr Shah took charge of the sensitive ministry last week.
"We have got information that he would be moving to [Former PM Atal Bihari] Vajapayee ji's old residence, so we have prepared a security chart of the bungalow and have placed a team there," a senior police official told NDTV.
According to him, they have learnt that the minister would be moving to his new residence in two weeks' time.
Mr Shah, who already gets the highest category protection known as "Z-Plus", is currently guarded by the central paramilitary forces. About 100 more policemen guard the BJP leader 24x7.
"But now, by the virtue of his post, an additional component has been assigned to him by Delhi Police," an officer said, adding that the Home Ministry will soon also decide whether Black Cat commandos would be added to his security detail.
The Delhi Police security cover for Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who was in charge of the Home Ministry in the previous government, will continue till his security is taken over by the army.
Mr Singh's residence is currently guarded by the paramilitary forces but military security personnel are expected to take over from them soon.
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