On International Yoga Day, top celebrities and influencers like Amitabh Bachchan, Dia Mirza, Karisma Kapoor, Malaika Arora, Sarah Ali Khan, Priety Zinta among others posted their Yoga Day pictures on Twitter. Increasingly Yoga is emerging as the most friendly and trusted way to keep fit. Yoga unites, yoga makes the mind and body happy and healthy, say experts. The UN General Assembly in 2014 overwhelmingly adopted a draft resolution, declaring June 21 as International Yoga Day. A record 177 countries supported the resolution. There are yoga enthusiasts in every corner of the world today.
Dia Mirza on Interenational Yoga Day: "Yoga brings balance. Yoga + Nature creates healing and harmony," she tweeted
Priety Zinta quoted the legendary Yoga guru BKS Iyengar: "Yoga is the golden key that unlocks the door to peace, tranquility, and joy."
Kabir Bedi posted a throwback picture on Yoga Day with these wonderful lines:
"Those were the days, my friend,
We thought they'd never end,
We'd sing and dance forever and a day,
We'd live the life we choose,
We'd fight and never lose,
For we were young and sure to have our way"
Karisma Kapoor's Yoga Day post 0n Instagram: "This Yoga Day I thought Chanel (her pup) will not interrupt my Yoga regime...but here we are"
Jacqueline Fernandez wished all "Happy World Yoga Day": She spent a "great afternoon with the girls from the Udayan Shalini Mumbai" practsing yoga, meditation breathing exercises.
People across the world are celebrating the 7th International Yoga Day. The theme of 2021 Yoga Day is: YOGA FOR WELLNESS. Inaugurating the International Yoga Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "Today when the entire world is fighting against COVID-19 pandemic, Yoga has become a ray of hope. For two years now, no public event has been organised in India or the world but enthusiasm for Yoga has not gone down." Happy International Yoga Day!