This Article is From Dec 13, 2013

Anna Hazare's indefinite fast for Lokpal Bill

Anna Hazare has accused the Centre of "betrayal" and going back on its promise on Jan Lokpal Bill. He is sitting on an indefinite hunger strike in Ralegan Siddhi since December 10 for the passage of the anti-graft law in Parliament.
Dec 13, 2013 17:04 (IST)
Anna Hazare speaks in Ralegan Siddhi:

  • Now the discussion on Lokpal Bill will take place on Monday
  • People of this country were watching how Samajwadi Party leaders were disrupting the House
  • We will continue our agitation till Lokpal Bill is passed
  • I will be fine, have endured a lot more than this
  • On AAP leader Gopal Rai: I don't want to blame anyone, just explained him where he went wrong
  • I started alone, people gradually joined in
  • There were some AAP leaders who said that Anna's movement become big because of them, but country knows it all
  • Not everybody is bad in politics, but I told them not to share the stage with me
  • I will be in touch with some good politicians who are honest
  • I have suffered a lot of humiliation, can still endure a lot for my movement
  • I am confident that the Lokpal Bill will be passed this time
Dec 13, 2013 14:47 (IST)
Jay Panda, BJD, on Lokpal bill:
  • The Lokpal bill has been thoroughly discussed over 2-4 years
  • The amendment has got wide support
  • This will create a truly honest and independent Lokpal

Dec 13, 2013 14:30 (IST)
Anna Hazare rebukes Arvind Kejriwal's partyman, asks him to leave fast venue
Anna asked Gopal Rai to leave the venue of his indefinite hunger strike after the latter had a spat with former Army Chief General VK Singh.
Dec 13, 2013 13:59 (IST)
Kamal Nath on Lokpal bill:
  • Highest priority of the Government is to pass the Lokpal bill
  • Once it is passed in Rajya Sabha, it will go to Lok Sabha
  • According to parliamentary decisions, if anyone is against it, the party has to vote against it

Dec 13, 2013 13:47 (IST)

Dec 13, 2013 13:36 (IST)

Anna Hazare asks Gopal Rai to leave village after Rai raised objections to VK Singh charging Arvind Kejriwal of benefiting politically from Anna's movement and then deserting him. 

Dec 13, 2013 13:13 (IST)

Government concedes to one point of select committee recommendation. Investigating officers will not be changed without Lokpal permission: Sources

Bill will be taken up at 2:30 pm

Dec 13, 2013 13:00 (IST)
Government tables amended Lokpal Bill in Rajya Sabha
The government has tabled the Lokpal Bill in the Rajya Sabha, as part of its promise to fast-track the proposed anti-corruption law.
Dec 13, 2013 12:59 (IST)
"We will oppose to any extent if they try to pass it without a debate in the house
as it will serve no purpose," says Samajwadi Party's Ram Gopal Yadav on Lokpal bill.

Dec 13, 2013 12:06 (IST)
Anna Hazare's supporters reach Ralegan Siddhi to meet him:

Dec 13, 2013 11:48 (IST)

Dec 13, 2013 10:16 (IST)
Prakash Javadekar:
  • Government has given 13 amendments
  • BJP is always in favor of a strong and effective Lokpal
  • Actually there is no role of the Government in these amendments
  • Want strong, independent, effective Lokpal. Govt must bring revised Bill immediately, with unanimous amendments, will pass it
Dec 13, 2013 09:49 (IST)

Dec 12, 2013 15:37 (IST)
Arun Jaitley on Lokpal bill:
  • Lokpal bill was first introduced in 1967
  • There have been several discussions and debates in the past 46 years
  • We want to make this proposal that let the government pass these unanimous recommendations
  • Government has agreed to all but does not agree with two crucial amendment
  • For example, the Committee says during an ongoing investigation, an investigation officer can be transferred only after Lokpal clears it. Government says no, we will have the power to transfer.
  • Second example: report says a delinquent officer can be raided without any notice. Government says no, first a show cause notice should be given
  • We won't allow  the government to subvert the report

Dec 12, 2013 14:58 (IST)
AAP's Kumar Vishwas from Ralegan Siddhi:
  • Annaji congratulated us for our 28 seats, Anna said if there are re-polls we will get a total majority
  • On our behalf, Gopal Rai will stay with Annaji for the fast
  • Told Annaji this is the same Lokpal which we used to call the Joke-pal
  • We won't accept this, will oppose it
Dec 12, 2013 13:25 (IST)
Anna Hazare on day 3 of indefinite fast:

Dec 12, 2013 13:12 (IST)
Aam Aadmi Party's Sanjay Singh, Kumar Vishwas and Gopal Rai arrive at venue of Anna's fast.
Dec 12, 2013 12:07 (IST)
Anna Hazare meditating at Yadavbaba temple

Not too many people at fast venue. Among those present, many are school students.

Dec 12, 2013 10:58 (IST)
Dr Z A Khan on Anna's health:
  • Anna is stable
  • Vital parameters are normal
  • Heart, pulse is normal
  • He has lost 1600 gms
  • Urine output is ok
  • BP is normal
  • Energy level is low
