This Article is From Aug 28, 2011

Anna's 13-day-long fast leaves doctors baffled

New Delhi: Anna Hazare's remarkable 13 day hunger-strike ended with a glass of coconut water and honey, and yet, the 74-year-old anti-corruption activist managed to address the crowds at Ramlila Maidan with huge gusto. "You don't become Anna by wearing the Anna topi...You become Anna by practicing my principles," Anna exhorted the thousands of supporters.

Anna's longest ever fast has left the medical community baffled. They are unable to explain his survival, supposedly, only on several litres of plain water. Dr Naresh Trehan, who along with 36 other doctors, has been monitoring Anna Hazare, said the Gandhian has remarkable control over his body and that his will has kept Anna going.

"His own will, his own shakti, which he describes as brahmachari shakti, and he has remarkable control over his body, he has made it...He has been able to maintain balance so medical science may not be able to fully understand it, but like he explained it is brahmachari shakti and truly he has managed to live on his reserves and he has paid a price for it as he has lost 7.5 kilograms," said Dr Naresh Trehan. (Watch: Anna's will kept him going, says Dr Trehan) | (Read transcript)

Taking everybody by surprise, Anna prolonged breaking his fast by more than 12 hours even after the Parliament agreed to the three basic conditions. But was he really surviving only on water or was he taking water laced with glucose, questions were raised in the Parliament on Saturday.

When asked if Mr Hazare was taking some kinds of electrolytes, Dr Trehan said, "I don't think that's true. People cannot accept things which they do not understand, I have no idea and I don't think so, in my opinion there is no indication that he was on electrolytes."

Mr Hazare is currently at the Medanta Medicity Hospital in Gurgaon where his liver and kidney are being monitored. Doctors expect him to be there for a couple of days.