This Article is From Feb 19, 2018

Army Foils Intrusion Bid By Pak's Border Action Team In Jammu and Kashmir

Army Foils Intrusion Bid By Pak's Border Action Team In Jammu and Kashmir

A huge volume of arms and ammunition was recovered from the intruder killed in Kashmir.

New Delhi: An armed intruder, suspected to be a member of Pakistan's Border Action Team or BAT, has been killed and two others injured as they tried to slip across the Line of Control under cover fire from the Pakistan Army in Jammu and Kashmir. The infiltration attempt was made on Sunday evening at Gulpur, near Poonch in south Kashmir, the army said today.

In a statement, the army said soldiers were responding to shelling and indiscriminate firing from Pakistani troops around 5 pm, when they saw a movement along the Line of Control. When the soldiers opened fire at the intruders, they responded and a gunbattle started. The cover fire from the Pakistan Army posts continued meanwhile.

One intruder was killed and at least two others sustained serious injuries and were seen returning towards the Pakistani post, the army said. The dead man was found to be carrying a virtual arsenal, which included rocket launchers, several categories of grenades, Molotov cocktails and a large amount of ammunition.

The army said they would hand over the intruder's body to Pakistan, which is yet to accept the bodies of the four terrorists involved in the attack on Sunjuwan army camp, which took place earlier this month.

The Border Action Teams of Pakistan usually comprise members of its special forces and terrorists. On several occasions, they have intruded into India and carried out attacks on patrolling soldiers.

In June last year, a BAT team had tried to infiltrate into India but was repulsed by the army. Two of the intruders were killed but two Indian soldiers had also lost their lives in the initial attack.

In April, two soldiers were murdered and mutilated near the Line of Control. It was suspected to be an attack by the Border Action Team. Weeks later, the Army released a video of a massive fire assault on Pakistani posts on May 23.