This Article is From Apr 16, 2016

Army Rescues Injured Baby Elephant In Assam

Army Rescues Injured Baby Elephant In Assam

The baby elephant was rescued from the drain, and brought to a safe location.

Guwahati: A baby elephant who got separated from its mother and injured itself after falling in a drain found its saviours in uniform when an army patrol rescued it and provided it food and medical treatment.

The animal, separated from its mother and the main herd, fell into the wide drain, fracturing its right forelimb.

However since the drain was near the boundary of the 14 ammunition depot in Narangi Cantonment here, a routine patrol along the perimeter on Friday passing by early Friday found the injured animal, visibly in great pain and discomfort.

The patrol commander informer the depot commandant, Col Sanjiv Vohra, who immediately activated a Quick Reaction Team along to reach the area along with all available officers. He also informed the 51 sub area commander Maj. Gen. A.K. Jha, who in turn, contacted the local forest department personnel for expert help.

The baby elephant was rescued from the drain, and brought to a safe location. The team also fed the baby with flour and fruits and gave it water.

Meanwhile the forest department team also arrived on the scene but no civil veterinary doctor was available on account of Bihu holiday in the state.A

At this, the army also pressed into service an army veterinary team under a senior remount and veterinary corps officer, which provided the animal immediate first aid and administered it pain killers to render relief.

Army officials said the the baby tusker is calm and being taken care of by the depot personnel while the army veterinarians are providing the required treatment.

In a similar incident in April 2014, a baby elephant was rescued from a pond by the personnel of the same depot.

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