Delhi knows Arvind Kejriwal as its Chief Minister, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and a consummate politician. On Sunday evening though, Mr Kejriwal's musical side made a comeback. At an event to felicitate teachers, principals and staff of three Delhi government-run schools that were declared among the 10 best government day schools in the country, the Delhi Chief Minister entertained his guests with a rendition of 'Insan ka insan se ho bhaichara' an iconic song from the 1959 Hindi film 'Paigham'.
The song, requested by one of the teachers at the event, is the same one Mr Kejriwal, 51, sang four years ago, on February 14, at a rally in Delhi's Ramlila ground. Originally sung by renowned playback singer and classical vocalist Manna Dey, the song became something of a trademark piece for the AAP leader, particularly at the anti-corruption rallies he participated in as an activist.
According to a statement released by the party after the impromptu concert, the song conveys a message of "brotherhood, equality and dignity". The teacher who requested Mr Kejriwal sing the song later said the school he taught in symbolised the meaning behind the song.
Kejriwal had invited teachers and principals of 3 govt schools which made it to the Top 10 govt schools of India rankings of Education World for dinner and a teacher requested him to sing for them.. Insaan Ka Insaan se ho bhaichara!
— Vikash (@VickyKedia) September 23, 2019
Mr Kejriwal often sings at public events; last year, during an Independence Day event in north-west Delhi, he hummed a few lines from 'Hum Honge Kamyaab', a Hindi version of the popular gospel song 'We Shall Overcome' that became an anthem of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
#WATCH: Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal sings 'Hum honge kamyab' at the Independence function at Delhi's Chhatrasal Stadium. #IndependenceDayIndia
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2018
Earlier this month a Delhi government school - Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya (RPVV) - in the Dwaraka neighbourhood was declared the best government-run day school in the country. Two others from the city were ranked in the Top 10, Mr Kejriwal's AAP announced.
Chief Minister Kejriwal promptly took to Twitter to congratulate students, teachers, principals and staff of all three schools, declaring their efforts had made Delhi proud.
A Delhi govt school in Dwarka has been named the best govt school in the country. Two more are in the Top 10.
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) September 14, 2019
Congrats to all teachers, principals and officials. It is your effort that has made Delhi proud today.
"A Delhi govt school in Dwarka has been named the best govt school in the country. Two more are in the Top 10. Congrats to all teachers, principals and officials. It is your effort that has made Delhi proud today," he tweeted.
With input from ANI
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