Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday asked the Centre to immediately and unconditionally hold talks with farmers who continued to protest against the new farm laws, staying put at the Singhu and Tikri border points of the national capital for the fourth consecutive day.
The Aam Aadmi Party has supported the farmers' protest.
"The central government should talk to farmers immediately (and) unconditionally," he said in a tweet.
AAP leader Sanjay Singh said that his party demands that Home Minister Amit Shah should first resolve the issues of the farmers by listening to them.
"The Aam Aadmi Party under the leadership of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is standing beside the farmers. We welcome the farmers to Delhi, we will fight shoulder to shoulder with them," he said.
At a press conference on Sunday, senior AAP leader and chief spokesperson, Saurabh Bhardwaj, said his party believes that Mr Shah has shown "utter irresponsibility" by leaving the national capital to campaign for Hyderabad municipal elections when lakhs of farmers were waiting at the Delhi border to talk to him.
Mr Bhardwaj said on one hand, Amit Shah was telling the farmers that coronavirus cases might increase due to their protest and on the other, he was claiming that in his Hyderabad roadshow there was massive public participation which shows "no social distancing was maintained".
"The Aam Aadmi Party believes that this is the utter hypocrisy of Union Home Minister Amit Shah and we condemn such irresponsible act. The AAP believes that such a home minister is very dangerous for India," he said.
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