Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal and his six ministers took oath at a mega ceremony at the iconic Ramlila Maidan that was attended by a huge crowd. Apart from Mr Kejriwal, his deputy Manish Sisodia, Satyendar Jain, Gopal Rai, Kailash Gehlot, Imran Hussain and Rajendra Gautam will be part of his new cabinet.
Despite running its campaign on women's issues like free bus rides for women, safety and eight of its women candidates winning the election, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal''s new cabinet does not have a single woman.
The grand event also saw 50 special guests - school teachers, doctors, exam toppers, auto drivers, caretakers and sanitation workers - dubbed as "Delhi ke Nirmata (makers of Delhi)" sharing stage with him. "Party affiliations never stopped me from working for anyone. No matter who you voted for, you are part of my family," said Mr Kejriwal, dedicating his victory to the people.
Arvind Kejriwal-led AAP had scooped up 62 of the Delhi's 70 seats, leaving just eight for the opposition BJP, in a near-identical result to the 2015 polls. While Mr Kejriwal has invited Prime Minister Narendra Modi, seven BJP parliamentarians who represent the city and all eight newly-elected BJP MLAs to his swearing-in ceremony, none of the chief ministers from other states have been invited for the event billed as a "Delhi-specific" affair. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to give the swearing-in ceremony a miss; he is scheduled to visit his constituency Varanasi to inaugurate various projects.
Here are the HIGHLIGHTS of Arvind Kejriwal swearing-in ceremony:
With the adorable #BabyMufflerman pic.twitter.com/qWmVydyJia
- Raghav Chadha (@raghav_chadha) February 16, 2020
Watch | "Kejriwal loves his 'Delhi-wallahs', people of Delhi love Kejriwal. This love is free": Delhi CM #ArvindKejriwal #RamlilaMaidan pic.twitter.com/ahdwaEfkTD
- NDTV (@ndtv) February 16, 2020
- Delhi people you have created history. Our model is being replicated across the country.
- Politicians come and go but if the city progesses, it's because of these people.
- I am accused of distributing freebies but all good things in the world are free like a mother's love.
- In the last five years, we have been trying hard to bring happiness, relief in the lives of people of Delhi. For the next years, we will continue to make similar efforts.
- I am Chief Minister for AAP, BJP, Congress, every other party workers. I have never discriminated against anyone in the last five years.
- For the next five years, I will continue to deliver in a similar manner. My message to two crore people of Delhi--- I will work irrespective of whether you voted for me or not.
The man of the moment is here.#MufflermanReturns pic.twitter.com/1MSsPOfQ8X
- AAP (@AamAadmiParty) February 16, 2020
Huge crowd gathered at Ram Leela Maidan to witness yet another historic event.
- AAP (@AamAadmiParty) February 16, 2020
Everyone is here to bless "Delhi Ka Beta" Arvind Kejriwal.#MufflermanReturns pic.twitter.com/8gvEp5cCr0
Thousands at Delhi's Ramlila Maidan for Arvind Kejriwal's oath ceremony.
- NDTV (@ndtv) February 16, 2020
Watch special coverage LIVE on https://t.co/LpfcFgEPtg and NDTV 24x7#ArvindKejriwal #DelhiElections #ResultsWithNDTV https://t.co/4dTc7QYgbO
...and here is The grand Family..
- Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) February 16, 2020
बुआ, भाई-भाभी, जीजी-जीजाजी, भतीजे-भतीजी, भांजे-भांजी... सब... pic.twitter.com/TSlVKBFGGt
Sumit Nagal is an international Tennis Player, Sumit is a class 12th student and he has studied in a Delhi Govt School.
- AAP (@AamAadmiParty) February 15, 2020
Sumit will be the guest for @ArvindKejriwal's swearing in ceremony.#DilliKeNirmata pic.twitter.com/gLQZjNKSav
#WATCH Delhi: An Aam Aadmi Party fan Uday Veer arrives at Ramlila Maidan for Chief Minister-designate Arvind Kejriwal's swearing-in ceremony. pic.twitter.com/X3Ox5NTf2j
- ANI (@ANI) February 16, 2020
आज @ArvindKejriwal सरकार में मंत्री के रूप में तीसरी बार शपथ लेने जा रहा हूँ. दिल्ली की जनता का इस प्यार और सम्मान के लिए तहे दिल से आभार. ईमानदारी और शिक्षा की राजनीति के लिए जान भी हाज़िर है.
- Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) February 16, 2020
आज तीसरी बार दिल्ली के CM की शपथ लूंगा। अपने बेटे को आशीर्वाद देने रामलीला मैदान जरूर आइएगा।pic.twitter.com/98k4WHTOYB
- Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) February 16, 2020
Ratan Jamshed Batliboi - architect of the famous Signature Bridge.
- AAP (@AamAadmiParty) February 15, 2020
Ratan Jamshed Batlibou will be the guest for @ArvindKejriwal's swearing in ceremony. #DilliKeNirmata pic.twitter.com/rfVSsqb4aO
Hosted my Delhi Cabinet designate colleagues for dinner at my residence. Congratulated them on their victory in the election and wished them success for their terms as Ministers in the Delhi govt. pic.twitter.com/NTAT1yXQUn
- Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) February 15, 2020
Delhi: A banner seen at Ramlila Ground where preparations are underway for the swearing-in ceremony of Chief Minister-designate Arvind Kejriwal https://t.co/PoxqhcX6Zv pic.twitter.com/s7gqnQP284
- ANI (@ANI) February 16, 2020
Big Announcement:
- AAP (@AamAadmiParty) February 13, 2020
Baby Mufflerman is invited to the swearing in ceremony of @ArvindKejriwal on 16th Feb.
Suit up Junior! pic.twitter.com/GRtbQiz0Is