Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday gave a curt response to Pakistan minister Fawad Hussain, who in a Thursday tweet attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Aam Aadmi Party chief, one of the most forceful critics of PM Modi, said Narendra Modi is his PM as well and India won't tolerate Pakistan's interference in its internal matters.
"Narendra Modi is India's Prime Minister. He is my Prime Minister as well. Delhi Election is India's internal matter, and we won't tolerate interference of the supporters of terrorism," he tweeted in Hindi.
"Pakistan can try as much as they want, but it cannot attack the unity of our country," he added.
Fawad Hussain had attack PM Modi over his remark made earlier this week that Indian armed forces will not take more than 10 days to defeat Pakistan in an armed conflict.
"Pakistan has already lost three wars. Our armed forces will not take more than 7-10 days to make Pakistan bite the dust," PM Modi was quoted by news agency AFP as saying.
PM Modi had also said that the surgical strike in 2016 and air strike on a terror camp in Balakot last year were evidence of this.
"This is 'youthful thinking'. We carry out surgical strikes and take on terrorists in their homes," he had said.
India and Pakistan have fought three wars and last year came close to fourth when fighter jets of both the countries were engaged in an aerial dogfight, days after 40 CRPF personnel were killed in a terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama.
With inputs from AFP
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