Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan's son Aryan Khan, who was granted bail in the drugs-on-cruise case on Thursday, was informed of the Bombay High Court's decision by the staff in Arthur Road Jail.
Jail officials said he was happy to receive the information about getting bail and also expressed his gratitude to the prison staff. The information was conveyed to him at around 6 pm.
The officials said Aryan also promised to provide financial help to the families of some prisoners he got acquainted with during his stay in the jail. He also assured them of legal help.
The Bombay High Court on Thursday granted bail to Aryan Khan, Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha after hearing of their bail pleas.
While Arbaaz Merchant is also lodged at Arthur Road jail, Munmun Dhamecha is at Byculla women prison.
Aryan Khan was arrested on October 3. An NCB team busted an alleged drugs party on the Cordelia Cruise ship which was on its way to Goa on October 2. A total of 20 people were arrested in the case.