This Article is From Apr 02, 2017

As Heatwave Continues, Tourists Flee To Snow-Clad Mountains Of Kashmir

All India Written by
Sonamarg: As heatwaves engulf most parts of the country, in Kashmir a group of girls are experiencing snowfall for the first time.

Throwing snowballs at each other and sledging on snow-covered slopes counts as a mesmerizing experience for several tourists from Maharashtra and Goa.

"It's actually a true heaven," said a tourist from Maharashtra, adding, "In pictures, we usually see Kashmir covered in snow, today we are in snow city."

Her friends added that they never thought it would be "so cool in Kashmir while the rest of the country is literally burning with heatwave," further expressing that Kashmir is "paradise on Earth."

Goa-based Rohan, a radio jockey by profession, said that he has 'fallen in love' with Kashmir and will use his radio station as a platform to promote travel in Kashmir. "I can just explain my experience. I can't give them a feel of it, they should come here and experience it," he said, describing the experience with joy.  

The group said they overcame fear to travel to the Valley.

"I was afraid but after staying here, it's quite different than what's being said about Kashmir. People are really helpful, caring," said Akshay Vatil, a tourist from Goa.  

His friend Rajiv, who persuaded him to visit Kashmir, says there are distorted perceptions about Kashmir and added that those who visit "always go back with fond memories."

 "I always tell my friends that if you want to see hospitality, come to this place. It's just not the weather but the people here are really very good" said Mr Rajiv.

Sonamarg is covered under heavy snow and is likely to stay this way for a few more months until the Valley gets warmer.

With tulips blooming and snow melting, spring remains an ideal time for visitors. Those associated with the tourism industry, hope that peace prevails this season, so that tourists continue to arrive in large numbers.