Hitting out at Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, BJP spokesperson NV Subhash on Sunday said irrespective of how many new structures the state government builds, people won't be voting for Bharat Rashtriya Samiti (BRS).
The remarks came in response to Mr Rao's statements that new Telangana Secretariat is a "symbol for Telangana's reformation".
Speaking to news agency ANI, Mr Subhash said, "Earlier there was a very big secretariat for the combined state of Andhra Pradesh, which used to cater to all the people, all the needs. Chief Ministers used to come there, and at some designated time, common people used to come and express their grievances. But after KCR became the Chief Minister, he never came to the Secretariat".
"A temporary Secretariat was made after dismantling the old Secretariat but KCR never came. All his official programmes, government programmes and cabinet meetings used to run from the Pragathi Bhavan," he added.
The BJP leader said the new Secretariat has been built with almost Rs 1,200-1,500 crores of public money.
"The people of Telangana are looking forward to a visible Chief Minister, instead of an invisible Chief Minister. They are looking for an approachable Chief Minister, instead of an unapproachable Chief Minister," he said.
Santosh further added that development is only possible in the state after the BJP comes to power.
"People know that under a double-engine government, the schemes can be implemented very well. They are looking for a new government, and BJP is the only alternative to it. Despite how many new structures the BRS government builds, people are not going to believe in them. They have already been cheated and deprived of many benefits of the central government," he further said.
Earlier in the day, KCR inaugurated the new Telangana Secretariat building in Hyderabad, which is 265 feet tall and built over 10.5 lakh square feet across 28 acres.
The state-of-the-art complex has been designed to accommodate all government departments under one roof, making it easier for people to access different services.