Four months ahead of Rajasthan polls, a red diary has led to dramatic scenes in the Assembly, triggered a heated exchange between the ruling Congress and the Opposition BJP and emerged as a the biggest suspense in the run-up to the election.
Rajendra Singh Gudha, MLA from Udaipurwati in Rajasthan's Jhunjhunu district, walked into the Assembly yesterday and started waving a red diary that he claimed could "expose" Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot. The MLA was then marshalled out of the House. He has alleged that he was assaulted and that some Congress leaders snatched the diary from his hand and tore some pages.
The dramatic Assembly episode followed Mr Gudha's sudden dismissal as a minister following his remarks on the state government's "failure" to prevent crimes against women. Amid the uproar in the House over the horrifying video of two women being paraded naked in Manipur, the MLA said Friday, "It is true and should be accepted that we have failed in women's safety. Instead of Manipur, we should look within ourselves why atrocities on women have increased in Rajasthan."
The two-time MLA is now at the centre of the row over the red diary.
Red Diary: Claims And Counters
Mr Gudha has claimed that the diary contains explosive information about Chief Minister Gehlot. The diary, he says, belongs to Dharmendra Rathore, a close aide of the Chief Minister and chairperson of Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation. Mr Gudha has claimed this diary contains details of pay-offs made by the Gehlot camp to MLAs, Independents and others to save his government during the 2020 rebellion led by Sachin Pilot.
The diary also contains details of payoffs by the Congress to ensure the victory of its candidates despite a tough contest from BJP-backed Independent and media baron Subhash Chandra, Mr Gudha has claimed.
The Congress MLA has said this diary was in Mr Rathore's home when Income Tax officials conducted a raid. Mr Gudha said he managed to retrieve the red diary before tax officials found it, allegedly on Mr Gehlot's request. The Chief Minister, he has said, had asked him to burn the diary.
The Congress has trashed Mr Gudha's claims, calling them fabricated. Senior party leader and minister for parliamentary affairs Shanti Dhariwal has said the MLA and the BJP have hatched this plot.
An Opportunity For BJP
The suspense surrounding the red diary has provided the Opposition BJP with a political weapon in the run-up to the Assembly polls. The ruling Congress has been trying hard to ensure that its infighting does not undo its poll prospects. A corruption scandal at this point, in which none other than the Chief Minister has been accused, can prove to be a big blow to the state government's image.
Union Minister and Rajasthan's key BJP leader Gajendra Singh Shekhawat accused the Congress government in Rajasthan of "breaking all records of corruption" and claimed that the political existence of many leaders will be under threat if the contents of the "red diary" spill out.
"Everybody in Rajasthan wants to know the mystery of the red diary. Why are the government and its head so nervous about it?" he asked.
Who is Rajendra Gudha
Rajendra Gudha is a two-time MLA from Udaipurwati. He was earlier with Mayawati's Bahujan Samaj Party. In 2019, he was among six BSP MLAs who switched to the Congress, providing it the added stability that helped it weather the 2020 rebellion. During the mutiny just a year later, the turncoats stayed firmly with the Gehlot camp.
In the wake of its latest revolt, Congress leaders are calling him an "opportunity" who fought the election on a BSP ticket then jumped to the Congress for political power and a minister post.
The Congress sources said Mr Gudha has a "habit" of exploring political opportunities whenever elections are close.