Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav Chadha on Friday dodged a question on Parineeti Chopra when asked about the videos of his meetings with the actor. Mr Chadha was asked about the videos when he was coming out of Parliament to which he said, "Aap mujhse raajneeti ke sawaal kariye, Parineeti ke na kariye (Please ask me questions about politics, not Parineeti)." The AAP leader was spotted with Parineeti Chopra outside a restaurant in Mumbai recently. A video circulating on the internet showed them coming out of a restaurant and leaving together in a car.
When asked about the video and his marriage plans, the AAP leader said, "Aapko bataenge jab karenge to (Will let you know when I get married)."
The reporter further asked him, "Why do you want to create a suspense?" to which Mr Chadha said, "No suspense. I am telling you, I will inform when I get married."
Mr Chadha kept smiling while answering the questions.
Watch the video:
Hehe! @raghav_chadha 🤭 That smile.
— Mohak🇮🇳 (@mohak_kohli) March 24, 2023
Aap mujhse rajneeti ke sawal kariye, Parineeti ke nahi kariye.
Video zaroor dekhiye! pic.twitter.com/CJhsUNkhP3
In 2022, at the age of 33, Mr Chadha became the youngest Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of Parliament, where he represents the state of Punjab. Earlier this year, he was honoured with the India UK Outstanding Achievers Honour at a ceremony in London.
Parineeti Chopra made her debut at the age of 24 with 'Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl' in 2011. On the work front, Ms Chopra was last seen in 'Uunchai' alongside Amitabh Bachchan, Anupam Kher, Boman Irani, Danny Denzongpa, Neena Gupta, and Sarika. She will be seen next in 'Chamkila' and 'Capsule Gill'.
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