The BJP emerged victorious in two of the four assembly constituencies where by elections were held while the ruling Left Democratic Front wrested a seat in Kerala and the Congress consolidated its position in Chhattisgarh, winning Maoist-affected Dantewada. The counting of votes was completed for four assembly seats on Friday where by elections were held earlier this week. Uttar Pradesh's Hamirpur, Chhattisgarh's Dantewada, Kerala's Pala and Tripura's Badharghat went to polls on September 23. Both the ruling Congress and the BJP were eyeing victory in the Maoist-affected seat of Dantewada where bypoll was necessitated after the death of sitting BJP MLA Bhima Mandavi in a Maoist attack in April this year. The Congress emerged victorious in the Dantewada assembly by election. The bypoll to the Hamirpur constituency saw a four-cornered contest, with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Bahujan Samaj Party, Samajwadi Party and the Congress fielding their candidates. The ruling CPI(M)-led Left Democratic Front won the by election to Pala assembly constituency, wresting the seat from the opposition Congress-led United Democratic Front. The win has come as a huge relief to the LDF after its rout in the Lok Sabha polls. The by election to the Badharghat constituency was necessitated due to the death of ruling BJP MLA Dilip Sarkar in April this year. BJP candidate Mimi Majumder has won the by-election to Badharghat (SC) Assembly constituency defeating her nearest rival, CPI(M)'s Bulti Biswas. The ruling BJP has 36 seats in the Tripura assembly while its alliance partner Indigenous People's Front of Tripura has eight in the 60-member house.
Here are the highlights of the by elections results:
The by election to the Badharghat constituency was necessitated due to the death of ruling BJP MLA Dilip Sarkar in April this year. The BJP has fielded Mimi Majumder for the seat while Bulti Biswas is the CPI (M) candidate. Ratan Das is the Congress candidate.
Tripura: Counting of votes underway for by-polls held in Badharghat on September 23.
- ANI (@ANI) September 27, 2019