Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed poll rallies in Madhya Pradesh's Vidisha today, a day after campaigning extensively in the state. He will also address a rally in Jabalpur today before leaving for Rajasthan. PM Modi is scheduled to address 10 rallies in Rajasthan until December 4, out of which he will address three rallies today. Starting in Alwar, PM Modi will then address a rally in Bhilwara and another in Beneshwar Dham.
BSP chief Mayawati will also launch BSP's Rajasthan campaign ahead of the assembly election. She is also scheduled to address multiple rallies.
Elections in Rajasthan are due on December 7 and the results will be declared on December 11. As many as 2,294 candidates, including 189 women candidates, are contesting on 200 assembly seats in Rajasthan.
Here are the live updates of the election rallies by PM Modi and other leaders:
The Ram temple issue - over which a tumult is on in Ayodhya today -- found resonance in Rajasthan as Prime Minister Narendra Modi took it up to attack the Congress. The party, he said, had wanted the court to put brakes on the case for the 2019 elections, and judges were threatened with impeachment.
Schedule of BJP National President Shri @AmitShah's public programs on 25 November 2018 in Telangana. Watch LIVE at @BJP4Telangana
- BJP (@BJP4India) November 24, 2018