Within days of its inauguration by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link has become a ''picnic spot'' for the members of the public who were seen stopping their vehicles on the bridge to take selfies and pictures. Several photos and videos have also surfaced on social media showing people littering and climbing the railing to take selfies, in a complete disregard of rules. One video also showed a couple crossing the bridge ladder to alight on a viewing platform.
Reacting to the posts, Mumbai Police has issued a warning on social media, threatening to take strict action on stopping vehicles on Atal Setu. ''We agree that Atal Setu is definitely 'worth a watch' but it's also illegal to stop on it & click photos. You will face an FIR if you stop on MTHL,'' Mumbai Traffic Police wrote, along with several pictures of people flouting rules. ''Atal Setu, Not a 21.8 km long picnic spot'', the text on the pictures reads.
See the post here:
Meanwhile, the irresponsible behaviour of commuters and disregard for cleanliness and order has left the internet appalled. Many users asked Mumbai police to take strict action against violators and levy a hefty fine for breaking the rules. One user wrote, ''You better start acting ... today a three-wheeler was riding on the bridge We don't see technology being used to catch such stoppers, etc.''
Another commented, ''Thanks finally needed action.'' A third said, ''Was the MTHL built as a picnic spot to view the Mumbai harbour and city? NO! It was built to make commute faster between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. Let us not make it a picnic spot, good to see Traffic Police taking quick action by imposing a fine on violators.''
A fourth added, ''I also request @MTPHereToHelp, I heard that top-class HD cameras have been installed on MTHL. With the help of these cameras, if you find anyone spitting or throwing garbage on MTHL or over MTHL, fine them heavily.''
Notably, the trans harbour link is India's longest sea bridge and will reduce the time taken for the journey between the two points from the current hour and a half to around 20 minutes. Constructed at a cost of ₹ 17,840 crore, the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL) has six lanes, and 16.5 km of the bridge's length is over the sea.
Two-wheelers, auto rickshaws, tractors, animal-drawn vehicles and slow-moving vehicles are not allowed on the bridge.