This Article is From Dec 05, 2009

Attack on Hurriyat leader won't derail quiet talks: Chidambaram

: The attack on moderate Hurriyat leader Fazal Haq Qureshi will not be allowed to derail the quiet diplomacy on Kashmir. That's the tough message that the Union Home Minister P Chidambaram has sent out today.

In a statement, P Chidambaram says, "I am deeply distressed by the attack on Shri Fazal Haq Qureshi. The correct response at this hour is not to be cowed down by these violent acts or allow fear to interrupt the process of quiet talks and quiet diplomacy. We remain committed to finding a solution through quiet talks with every shade of political opinion in Jammu and Kashmir." (Read: Full text of Home Minister's statement)

In his statement, the Home Minister also points out that the Centre is encouraged by the response of Hurriyat chief Mirwaiz Umer Farooq and others to the attack on Qureshi, who has been involved in quiet talks with the Centre.

Mirwaiz has said the Hurriyat will not be cowed down and will not allow this attack to scuttle the new attempt at peace in Kashmir.

The moderate Hurriyat has called a strike in Kashmir on Saturday to protest the attack.

On Friday, suspected militants attacked and critically injured Qureshi. He's now battling for life in a Srinagar hospital.

Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has said this is a bid to derail the peace process.

Qureshi was the interlocutor when the Hizbul Mujahideen had called for ceasefire in 2000.