This Article is From Jun 04, 2009

Australian dreams turn sour in Haryana village


A village in Haryana that in the past decade has sent hundreds of its young men to Australia for further studies is now in two minds.

Bhaini village near Karnal is closely keeping track of news from Australia. Fifty students from Bhaini are studying in Australia. Among them is Chameli Devi's 26-year-old son.

"Even when I come to the fields I think about him. When he was in school, till he returned home, I would anxiously wait. Now he is in far away Australia, and all this news coming in. I am worried,'' she says.

The next door stays Dharma Singh. He spent his army pension and savings to send both his sons to Australian colleges.

''Australian government should help them. It should ensure their safety. Our sons are giving them business, not taking anything away,'' he says.

In the village, Australia is the most preferred destination. On an average about five students leave for Australia every month. Like Pawan Kumar, who is in the process of applying to an Australian college.

Now, he seems to be in two minds. 'Earlier I want to go. But now, it appears from the newspapers that the situation is not so good.''

Traditionally, students from Bhaini go to Australia for education in the hospitality industry. Ironically, hospitality they now feel Australia is falling short of.
