This Article is From Sep 30, 2010

Ayodhya verdict: PM appeals for peace

Ayodhya verdict: PM appeals for peace
New Delhi: After the Allahabad High Court delivered it's judgement in the Ayodhya case, the Prime Minister has appealed the nation to maintain peace.

Here's the full text of his appeal:

As you know, the judgement in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid title suits has been pronounced by the Special Bench of the High Court of Allahabad. This is the culmination of a long judicial process involving a sensitive matter on which different sections of the people have held different views.

The orders delivered by the three Honourable Judges need to be examined carefully. The High Court itself has directed that the "Status Quo as prevailing till date shall be maintained for a period of three months." Besides, the High Court has granted leave to appeal to the Supreme Court.

It has been pointed out by many jurists that complex issues were involved in the suits. By three separate orders, the Honourable Judges have given their findings on each of these issues and, in the operative part, moulded the reliefs to the parties in a particular manner. The correct conclusion, at this stage, is that the status quo will be maintained until the cases are taken up by the Supreme Court.

I have full faith in the people of India. I also have full confidence in the traditions of secularism, brotherhood and tolerance of our great country. I know that often it is only a few mischief makers who create divisions in our society. I would appeal to my countrymen to be vigilant and not let such people succeed in disrupting peace and harmony. You should be particularly careful with regard to rumours that disruptive elements could propagate to create ill-will between communities.

My appeal to all sections of the people is to maintain peace and tranquility and to show respect for all religions and religious beliefs in the highest traditions of Indian culture.

Let me also state that Government on its part remains fully committed to upholding the rule of law and maintaining peace, order and harmony.

It is my hope that the response of the people of India to the judgement will be respectful, dignified and do our country proud.

Jai Hind.