The Supreme Court will deliver its verdict in the Ayodhya title suit today, ending decades of uncertainty on the issue. The decision was taken by Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi after consulting four other judges deciding the case late on Friday evening. Massive security arrangements have been put in place to ensure that there is no violence after the verdict. The landmark verdict will be delivered at 10:30 am. In a series of tweets, Prime Minister Narendra Modi appealed to people to maintain peace and said that the verdict will not be anybody's victory or loss. Several state governments have ordered schools and other educational institutions to remain closed.
Here are the Highlights on the Ayodhya verdict:
Schools and educational institutions in Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu and Karnataka will remain closed on Saturday over the Supreme Court's judgment in the Ayodhya temple-mosque title suit. All schools and colleges in Uttar Pradesh will remain closed from Saturday to Monday, the state government said in a release.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has appealed to the people of the state not to pay attention to rumours and maintain peace and harmony.
The Supreme Court will deliver its verdict on the Ayodhya dispute on Saturday morning, ending decades of uncertainty on the issue. The decision was taken by Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi in consultation with four other judges deciding the case late on Friday evening.