This Article is From Jun 08, 2011

Baba Ramdev clarifies arms call

New Delhi: After Baba Ramdev's remark that he will raise an army of 11.000 men and women who will be trained to attack if action is taken against them was declared "anti-national" by the government, the yoga teacher's spokesperson, S K Tijarawala, issued a statement clarifying the arms call. Released late on Wednesday night, the statement said Baba Ramdev did not mean training of guns or bombs and the intention is not to take law in their hands.

Here is the full statement:

Om. HH Swami has told us to build a nationalist force of 11000 strong and patriotic people capable of defending self, common man and our nation from day-to-day corruption and evil system. Training of yoga, pranayam, traditional arts like wrestling, exercise, judo-karate, dandbaithak etc will be given. They will protest and defend on Gandhian principles like non-violence, fast, satyagraha, prayers, non-cooperation, march, havan, yagya etc.

We neither support nor intend to take law in our hand. We don't mean either training of guns, bombs etc or practice of killing someone or being violent at any point of time or situation. Our constitution is supreme.

But we have the right to defend ourselves. Only a strong person can do it.