This Article is From Jun 03, 2012

Baba Ramdev says PM must keep cabinet clean as he sits on fast with Anna Hazare


Picture tweeted by Team Anna member Kiran Bedi

New Delhi: Around 5000 people, undeterred by the scorching heat, reached Parliament Street in the heart of the national capital on Sunday morning to show their support for social activist Anna Hazare and yoga guru Baba Ramdev, who are holding a one-day fast in their demands for stronger action against corruption, the return of black money stashed away by Indians abroad and a stronger Lokpal Bill.

While Baba Ramdev got the protest on its way by slamming the government over several issues, Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal, later in the afternoon, once again brought up corruption allegations against Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and 14 of his cabinet ministers. Team Anna has faced flak over these charges ever since they brought them up last week. Soon after Mr Kejriwal's speech, Baba Ramdev took the stage, saying they should refrain from making any personal attack. Mr Kejriwal left the venue soon after that. He tweeted later, "Left the fast venue as I'm unwell, didn't leave in protest."

Earlier, Baba Ramdev in his speech said, "I was told it's too hot; I said it doesn't matter if it's hot or cold... this is the beginning of our protest."

"The Prime Minster should not just be honest himself, he should be democratically, constitutionally honest. Mr PM you must keep your cabinet ministers honest too," said Baba Ramdev today.

The yoga guru hit out at the government, saying, "The ruling party says the country doesn't run by protests, laws are not made on the streets. They say they are representatives of the people... we say the law of the land says the people are supreme... We have laws that were foisted on us by our British rulers...we need new swadeshi laws."

"If netas are not corrupt, why are they shying away from making a strong Lokpal Bill," he added. (Watch)

Today's protest marks a year of the police crackdown on Baba Ramdev and his supporters in Delhi's Ramlila Maidan while they were protesting against black money. The police action had led to the death of a 51-year-old woman Rajbala. At the fast site today, pictures of her were on display.

The protest, which is expected to end at around 6 pm, is also likely to see Baba Ramdev announcing his strategy in the 2014 general elections.

Baba Ramdev started his journey from the Azad Hind Gram, Teekari village near Mundka early this morning and then went to Rajghat, where Mr Hazare joined him. The duo then paid a tribute to India's freedom fighters at Shaheed Park before proceeding towards Parliament Street.

The police have permitted a gathering of 5000 people. A senior police official said they have made elaborate arrangements. Besides Delhi Police personnel, 20 companies of paramilitary forces will be deployed in the area.

Baba Ramdev's Bharat Swabhiman Andolan will also organise protests in various state capitals today.

Ramdev was accompanied by his close aide Acharya Balkrishna, while Team Anna members Arvind Kejriwal and Kiran Bedi accompanied Hazare. The association with Baba Ramdev had in the past created ripples in Team Anna with a section remaining opposed to have any truck with the yoga guru as he is facing corruption charges.

"We will discuss how to take forward the movement against corruption today," Mr Hazare had said at Maharashtra Sadan earlier in the day.

Ahead of the fast, both Mr Hazare and Baba Ramdev have stepped up their attack on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Mr Hazare had said that Dr Singh has lost faith in government while Ramdev alleged that the Prime Minister was not "politically honest".