The CBI has brought Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd's former Managing Director Kapil Wadhawan and Director Dheeraj Wadhawan to Delhi for a court hearing in connection with the Rs 34,815 crore scam in banks
The agency will produce them before the Special CBI court on Tuesday along with alleged aide of Chota Shakeel Ajay Nawandar whose five-day police remand is completing, they said.
The CBI will seek Wadhawans' custody in connection with its FIR related to the scam, they said.
Kapil and Dheeraj Wadhawan were in Lucknow in connection with the PF scam also probed by the agency, they said.
They were brought to Delhi on Monday evening, they said.
The agency had acted on a complaint from the Union Bank of India (UBI), leader of 17-member lender consortium which had extended credit facilities to the tune of Rs 42,871 crore between 2010 and 2018.
The bank has alleged that the Wadhawans in criminal conspiracy with others misrepresented and concealed facts, committed criminal breach of trust and abused public funds to cheat the consortium to the tune of Rs 34,615 crore by defaulting on loan repayments from May 2019 onwards. The audit of DHFL account books showed that the company allegedly committed financial irregularities, diverted funds, fabricated books, round tripped funds to "create assets for Kapil and Dheeraj Wadhawan" using public money.