Ninety five-year-old Jyoti Basu's health took a turn for the worse on Wednesday morning. He had to be put on a ventilator to relieve him of respiratory distress caused by pneumonia but by evening doctors said that there were some positive responses to the treatment.
For the last five days, Jyoti Basu's condition was unchanged since January 1, the day he admitted to hospital with pneumonia.
"Sri Jyoti Basu's condition deteriorated early in the morning when his respiratory distress worsened and he was put on ventilator. Other supportive measures are also continuing," said DN Agarwal, CEO, AMRI Hospital.
Through the day there was a stream of visitors, the prime minister called up West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya to enquire about Basu's health and express concern.
Among the visitors was Mamata Banerjee - the Union Railway Minister and Left's main rival in the state.
"They have given him some different antibiotics. They are trying. But Basu is on a ventilator," said Mamata Banerjee, Railway Minister.
On Wednesday evening, there was some positive news.
"His present condition continues to be still critical but has shown some positive changes since the last bulletin at 11.30 am," Agarwal informed.
"Since the morning, there has been some positive response by Basu," said Biman Bose, CPM Secretary.
The CPM's top leadership like Sitaram Yechuri and Prakash Karat are expected in Kolkata on Thursday. There reports that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will visit Jyoti Basu in Kolkata on Thursday.
On Wednesday evening, Buddhadeb Bhattacharya met the state leadership to discuss 95-year-old patriarch's health and what to do in case of an eventuality.
For the last five days, Jyoti Basu's condition was unchanged since January 1, the day he admitted to hospital with pneumonia.
"Sri Jyoti Basu's condition deteriorated early in the morning when his respiratory distress worsened and he was put on ventilator. Other supportive measures are also continuing," said DN Agarwal, CEO, AMRI Hospital.
Through the day there was a stream of visitors, the prime minister called up West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya to enquire about Basu's health and express concern.
Among the visitors was Mamata Banerjee - the Union Railway Minister and Left's main rival in the state.
"They have given him some different antibiotics. They are trying. But Basu is on a ventilator," said Mamata Banerjee, Railway Minister.
On Wednesday evening, there was some positive news.
"His present condition continues to be still critical but has shown some positive changes since the last bulletin at 11.30 am," Agarwal informed.
"Since the morning, there has been some positive response by Basu," said Biman Bose, CPM Secretary.
The CPM's top leadership like Sitaram Yechuri and Prakash Karat are expected in Kolkata on Thursday. There reports that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will visit Jyoti Basu in Kolkata on Thursday.
On Wednesday evening, Buddhadeb Bhattacharya met the state leadership to discuss 95-year-old patriarch's health and what to do in case of an eventuality.
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