This Article is From Aug 07, 2014

Behind Governor Kamla Beniwal's Sacking, A Three-Charge Dossier Sent To President

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New Delhi: Kamla Beniwal was sacked as Mizoram governor - just two months before her term was to end - over three specific charges listed in a dossier sent to President Pranab Mukherjee, top sources said today as the government parried opposition allegations of "vendetta politics". (Mizoram Governor Kamla Beniwal Sacked A Month After Shift from Gujarat)

Ms Beniwal, who had sharp differences with Narendra Modi when he was Gujarat Chief Minister, was removed on Wednesday because of what government sources call "gross impropriety". (Kamla Beniwal Sacked As Governor, Government Cites 'Serious Allegations')

One of the allegations against the 87-year-old was that she spent just one day in Mizoram, where she was posted a month ago, and mostly stayed in Rajasthan, her home state.

The second charge, say sources, relates to Ms Beniwal's frequent air travel at the taxpayer's expense in Gujarat, where she was governor till July. She reportedly used the state aircraft, a nine-seat Beechcraft, 53 times to fly to Jaipur.

Ms Beniwal's alleged involvement in a land scam in Rajasthan is reportedly the third reason. She is accused of claiming cheap land meant for farmers after falsely stating in affidavits that she had tilled the land for 14 to 16 hours a day for 50 years, though she was a minister in the state's Congress government.

"Action was taken within rules, as per Constitution. There are serious allegations," Parliamentary Affairs Minister Venkaiah Naidu said, denying any politics in the sacking.

Opposition parties, however, allege that Ms Beniwal was punished for taking on Mr Modi in Gujarat, the state he ruled for 13 years before taking charge as Prime Minister in May. (Gujarat Governor Kamla Beniwal, Who Took on Narendra Modi, Shifted)

Congress leader Manish Tewari said, "She was first transferred in a cavalier manner to a northeastern state and then removed. Governors are constitutional authorities. They cannot be trampled upon or trifled with like this."

As Gujarat governor, Ms Beniwal had challenged the Modi government on a series of issues including the appointment of a Lokayukta, or anti-corruption ombudsman. (Gujarat Governor Kamla Beniwal's letter on Narendra Modi government's Lokayukta Bill)

Days after coming to power, the ruling BJP dialed governors appointed by the previous Congress-led UPA to persuade them to step down. Six governors resigned but some stayed put. Veteran Congressman Virendra Kataria was removed as the Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry recently. ('Can't Treat Us Like This': In Governors vs Government Row, a Sixth Resignation)