Saif Ali Khan returned to his Bandra home on Tuesday after being discharged from Lilavati Hospital. He was treated for six stab wounds - one of which was on his spine - caused by an intruder who broke into his house earlier this month. He underwent surgery to fix leaking spinal fluid and plastic surgeries on his arm and neck. He was discharged five days after the incident and was seen walking comfortably inside his Bandra home. However, the actor's speedy recovery has sparked a discussion as many, including Maharashtra Minister Nitesh Rane, questioned if he was actually attacked.
Amid this, a Bengaluru-based cardiologist, Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy, provided an explanation for the same. Taking to X, Dr Krishnamurthy shared a video of his mother walking with a fractured foot in a cast, just hours after undergoing spine surgery. "For people doubting if Saif Ali Khan really had a spine surgery (funnily even some doctors!). This is a video of my mother from 2022 at the age of 78y, walking with a fractured foot in a cast and a spine surgery on the same evening when spine surgery was done. A younger fit person can recover even faster. For doctors who are doubting Saif's recovery... all I want to tell you is to get better exposure," he wrote.
In the following tweet, Dr Krishnamurthy explained that the actor only had a leak and a tear. "And what my mother had was far worse. A fractured bone in the spine. What Saif had was only a cerrebrospinal fluid leak and a tear in duramater, which was repaired. My mom was discharged the next day!" he said.
"Nowadays, people who have had cardiac bypass surgeries walk and climb stairs on 3rd 4th day! Please educate yourselves about things before coming on social media and proudly displaying your ignorance! Talk to experts, read up and learn," the doctor concluded.
Notably, Dr Krishnamurthy's tweet comes after Maharashtra Ports Minister Nitesh Rane accused Mr Khan of "dancing while walking" out of the hospital, and ranted, "I doubted if he had been stabbed... or if he was acting."
"Look at what Bangladeshis are doing in Mumbai. They entered Saif Ali Khan's house. Earlier they used to stand at road crossings... now they have started entering houses. Maybe he came to take him (Mr Khan) away. It is good... garbage should be taken away," the BJP leader said. "I saw when he came out of the hospital. I doubted whether he had been stabbed, or he was acting. He was dancing while walking," he was quoted by news agency ANI.
Also Read | Saif Ali Khan Records Police Statement. What He Said About January 16 Attack
Sanjay Nirupam, who was with the Congress before switching to Eknath Shinde's Shiv Sena faction, also made similar comments, saying, "... the way Saif came out... it seemed nothing happened six days ago."
The Bollywood actor was attacked last week by an intruder, who entered his home with the intent to commit theft. After a violent confrontation with the accused, Saif Ali Khan sustained multiple stab wounds.
The alleged attacker Sariful Islam, who had illegally entered India from Bangladesh last year, was arrested last week from Thane near Mumbai after a three-day manhunt involving at least 20 teams from the Mumbai Police.