In a terrifying incident in Bengaluru, a bike rider attacked a car in broad daylight, purportedly after failing to overtake the vehicle. The incident, captured by a dash camera installed on the car, took place on VIBGYOR High School Road on Saturday at around 11:40 AM. Deepak Jain, a marketer by profession, recounted the entire incident on X and shared the footage of the attack, which left him traumatised.
''Today, I faced a terrifying and unprovoked attack. Even after ~9 hours, I'm still in shock. This seems to be a planned attack,'' he wrote in a thread on X.
The dashcam video showed the biker, riding an Ola scooter, overtaking the car, an action that didn't raise any suspicion. However, a little later, the scooterist began following Mr Jain's car, shouting, honking, and demanding him to stop. He then obstructed Mr Jain's path and parked his vehicle in front of his car.
In a fit of rage, he picked up a tender coconut shell from the road and smashed the right-side window of his car, forcing Mr Jain to open it. He then broke the right outer rearview mirror, continuing to yell aggressively. The situation further intensified when another car, attempted to block Mr Jain's path about 300 meters ahead.
''I suspect they might be part of the same gang, given the suspicious behaviour of the driver. I'm still processing this traumatic event. Had I opened the door or window, I could have lost my life to his aggression. Thankfully, I had a dashcam installed and recorded the whole incident,'' Mr Jain wrote.
Internet users expressed shock at the incident and asked him to immediately file a police complaint. One user said, ''That's scary. Glad to know you're safe, Deepak. You must report this to the police. Did the rage happen since he couldn't overtake you or something similar?''
Another commented, ''It is shocking, this. I am happy to hear that everyone is safe and that having a dashcam in your car is a smart move. I have heard of this scam before, and the police need to make sure that these people do not pull another one.''
A third wrote, ''So glad u escaped unscathed with only ur vehicle damaged. Looks like a seasoned gang's job. Thank God u did not open the window. They might have bashed u up and taken away everything.''