The Bengaluru police on Friday brought from Tamil Nadu, Jamal Mohammed Usmani, the second accused who had allegedly threatened to kill the Karnataka High Court judges who dismissed the Hijab-related petitions filed by some Muslim girl students from coastal town of Udupi in Karnataka.
Police had earlier brought Kovai Rahmathullah, another prime accused in the case. Both are members of Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath (TNTJ), an Islamic religious outfit.
The Tamil Nadu police had reportedly arrested Rahmathullah from Tirunelveli and Usmani from Thanjavur.
The accused were arrested after a video went viral, where Rahmathullah was purportedly heard saying that the judges who pronounced the verdict will be killed.
Based on the video, a lawyer Sudha Katwala had lodged a police complaint in Bengaluru and demanded action against the accused.
A three-judge Bench of the Karnataka High Court recently dismissed the petitions which sought permission to wear hijab in classrooms of educational institutions saying headscarf is not an essential religious practice and uniform dress rule should be followed in educational institutions where it has been prescribed.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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