A Bengaluru resident named Neha has found a unique way to find a new apartment: by using a viral TikTok trend. Neha created a video using the music from the song "Man In Finance" by TikTok creator Megan Boni. Boni's song lists qualities she wants in a partner, but Neha changed the lyrics to reflect what she wanted in an apartment, including features like being furnished, having two rooms, and having a balcony.
The caption shared along with the video read, "Desperate times call for desperate measures. So here's my take on the trend."
Watch the viral video here:
Neha's creative reinterpretation of the original song lyrics has generated significant buzz on social media. The video has amassed over 140,000 views and garnered a wide range of reactions in the comment section.
"This is tougher than finding "finance, trust fund, 6'5, blue eyes," commented a user.
"I might as well buy one in Mysore. It's almost the same time to commute if you have one in Electronic City," wrote another user.
"Bengaluru is like a galaxy. You have to mention which part of the galaxy you are looking at; prices fluctuate accordingly," commented a third user.
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