Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann gave an impromptu singing performance during the 'At Home' function organised at the Raj Bhavan in Chandigarh on the occasion of the Republic Day celebrations on Friday. Mr Mann regaled the audience with a rendition of famous singer Gurdas Mann's 'Challa'.
The Chief Minister, who had been at loggerheads with the Punjab governor over various issues in the past, after his performance walked up to Banwarilal Purohit who clapped for Mr Mann and told him, "Kamaal kar diya aapne". During his performance, Mr Mann sang 'Challa', a Punjabi folk song.
"You created such an atmosphere that the artist inside me could not hold back ('aapne aisa mahol bana diya, andar ka kalakar reh nahin paya')," the Chief Minister told the Governor.
After Mr Mann finished his performance, the dignitaries sitting in the audience including Punjab Vidhan Sabha Speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan, Chandigarh MP Kirron Kher and Additional Solicitor General of India Satyapal Jain among others clapped for the chief minister.
Mr Purohit and Mr Mann had been at loggerheads over several issues, including holding the assembly sessions and the appointments of the vice-chancellors.
Mr Purohit had even taken exception to Mr Mann calling his official letters as "love letters".
Mr Mann's presence at the 'At Home' event organised by the Raj Bhavan assumes significance as he had not attended such an event on the Independence Day last year.
"The chief minister opted not to attend the 'At Home' function. His decision is in line with his own discernment. The chief minister might have decided to forgo the event. Perhaps he is afraid (of) the ceremonial cannons placed outside the Raj Bhavan," Mr Purohit had taken a jibe at Mr Mann when he remained absent from the 'At Home' reception hosted on the Independence Day in 2023.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)