Four months after she disappeared from near her home in Rajasthan, the remains of Bhanwari Devi have been found by CBI officials. Sources say that the nurse was burnt near Jaloda village, about 100 kms from Jodhpur. Her ashes were allegedly flung into the nearby Rajasthan Canal. The CBI feels it knows who instructed a group of hitmen to assassinate Bhanwari, who was well known locally for her affairs with political heavyweights.
Her murder has led in recent weeks to the arrests of two Congress leaders who both had affairs with her.
Bhanwari was allegedly killed because she was blackmailing Mahipal Maderna, a minister in the state government, with a sex CD that showed them together. She was introduced to Mr Maderna by Malkhan Singh - both men belonged to the Congress party. Mr Maderna was asked to resign from the government days after Bhanwari disappeared. Her husband, Amarchand, has also been accused of playing a role in her death - he was allegedly paid off to ensure that she travelled alone on the day that she was abducted.
The CBI believes that the politicians conspired to hire hitmen to get rid of the nurse.
Her murder has led in recent weeks to the arrests of two Congress leaders who both had affairs with her.
Bhanwari was allegedly killed because she was blackmailing Mahipal Maderna, a minister in the state government, with a sex CD that showed them together. She was introduced to Mr Maderna by Malkhan Singh - both men belonged to the Congress party. Mr Maderna was asked to resign from the government days after Bhanwari disappeared. Her husband, Amarchand, has also been accused of playing a role in her death - he was allegedly paid off to ensure that she travelled alone on the day that she was abducted.
The CBI believes that the politicians conspired to hire hitmen to get rid of the nurse.
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