The BPSC prelims exams, for 804 posts, are scheduled to be held on September 20 and 22.
The Bihar police resorted to lathi charge today to disperse students in Patna after protests against the new format of the prestigious Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) exams turned aggressive outside the Commission office. Students have been agitating against the new schedule of the exam, which will now be conducted on two separate days instead of in one sitting.
Several students were injured after the police forcefully stopped the protesters, who say they didn't get enough time to prepare according to the new format, while they were on their way to the BPSC office.
The BPSC prelims exams, for 804 posts, are scheduled to be held on September 20 and 22. A record 6.02 lakh students are set to take the exams.
The BPSC changed the format of the exam after a recent paper leak.
For the first time, half of those who appear on each day will be selected for the mains examination. The BPSC has also introduced the percentile system for the first time.
The protesters want the old system and no change in examination and evaluation.
Visuals from the protest show several students animatedly arguing with cops. A huge deployment of police and security forces can be seen, with many carrying umbrellas to shied themselves from the rain.