Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who has lost his cool more than once while campaigning for the state elections in the last few days, was targeted by his ex-deputy chief minister Tejashwi Yadav this morning in his latest tweet. The RJD leader's jibe on social media came a day after Nitish Kumar attacked Tejashwi Yadav and his father - Lalu Prasad Yadav - at a rally in Begusarai as he said: "Ask your father or mother if they (Mr Yadav's parents) made any schools or colleges when they had the chance... or kept on making ill-gotten profits".
This morning, Tejashwi Yadav retaliated saying: "Respected Nitish ji is tired. The public is fed up of his stale, boring and age-old speeches."
"Nitish Kumar ji, who is tired, is running away from realities and rationalities. After ruining the future of the crores of youth in Bihar, he is now turning the pages of past," he wrote in a tweet in Hindi.
Later he told reporters: "It's clear, he is running out of steam... His speeches have made it clear."
Nitish Kumar on Saturday accused ex-chief minister Lalu Prasad Yadav of ignoring the state's development during his latest outburst as he said: "Other people got an opportunity to govern. What did they do? Was one school or college built? If you want to study today, ask your father or mother? Is there a school? Was a college built all this time?" Nitish Kumar asked people gathered at a meeting in Teghra constituency.
The "father or mother" reference was to Tejashwi Yadav's parents - former Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav, who is currently in jail for a corruption scam - and Rabri Devi - a two-time Chief Minister whom Nitish Kumar seemed to dismiss as a puppet installed by Lalu Yadav after he was jailed.
Last week, the Bihar Chief Minister, who is seeking a fourth term, reacted angrily to slogans of "Lalu Yadav Zindabad" at his rally.
"What are you saying? What are you saying?" - a furious Nitish Kumar shouted in the middle of his pitch for Chandrika Rai, a long-time RJD leader and Lalu Yadav aide who crossed over to the ruling Janata Dal United recently.
Tejashwi Yadav, meanwhile has been using social media, to draw attention to the huge crowds attending his rallies. Last night, he posted a video, saying: "It's our resolve that those who are staying away from their homes - feeling stifled- we'll get them new opportunities in Bihar so that they can live happier lives."
Bihar votes for its next government in three phases, starting Wednesday. The results will be announced on November 10.
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