Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said under the 'Namami Gange' mission, development of more than 180 ghats along the Ganga river are going on. "The government's aim is to stop drain waters flowing into the Ganga. The villages near Ganga are being developed as 'Ganga Gram'. Under the 'Namami Gange' mission, including in Bihar, development of more than 180 ghats is going on," the Prime Minister said, during a video conference after inaugurating and laying the foundation stone of seven urban infrastructure projects in Bihar.
"Work on 130 ghats has been completed. Work on more than 40 moksha dhams is over. Near the Ganga, work on riverfronts is going on. In Patna, work on the riverfront is complete while in Muzaffarpur the foundation has been laid. If the ghats in Muzaffarpur are developed then it will develop into a centre of tourism," the PM added.
Speaking on the need for urbanisation in the country, Prime Minister Modi said, "Urbanisation is the reality of the present times. For many decades, it was thought that urbanisation was a problem in itself. But I don't think that way. Dr BR Ambedkar was a big supporter of urbanisation...," the PM said.
"Clean drinking water not only makes life better but also saves people from deadly diseases. In urban areas of Bihar work is underway to provide clean drinking water. In Bihar, under the 'Amrut Yojna', about 12 lakh families will be provided with clean drinking water; six lakh families have already got this facility," PM Modi said.
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