The BJP has submitted a dissent note against a parliamentary panel's draft report on the 2G spectrum scam, alleging a "cover-up" to protect Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister P Chidambaram. BJP leader Yashwant Sinha addressed the media and said the JPC was trying to suppress the facts.
Yashwant Sinha:
Yashwant Sinha:
- Six JPC members have submitted a dissent note today against the draft report
- We submitted a letter to the speaker
- BJP parliamentary party had directed us not to resign - instead stay in and lodge our protest
- We were told that anyone who wants to submit a dissent report has to submit it before 5 pm today
- We knew that the JPC will try to suppress the facts and we decided to stay inside the JPC and fight
- We knew there will be an attempt to carry out a cover up
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