BJP president JP Nadda on Tuesday took a swipe at the Congress after the opposition party shared an apparent image of the Indian constitution's preamble with several errors, wondering if one can expect anything from a party which does not even know the country's preamble. "Can we expect anything from a party which does not even know India's Preamble.... Congress equals to lack of respect for Constitution and Dr. Ambedkar. Shameful," he said on microblogging site X.
The BJP leader was reacting to the Congress' post claiming that it is impossible to erase India, an apparent reference to the row over a G20 invite which referred to the President as "President of Bharat" and not "President of India" as is mostly done.
However, the image of the 'preamble' the Congress posed had typos. The word 'belief' was written as 'brief' and the word 'solemnly' was also misspelled, as highlighted by Nadda's post, among other errors.
The Congress handle later deleted the post.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)