The BJP has dropped Anupam Hazra from the post of the party's national secretary over statements that deviated from the party line. The decision -- which will be implemented immediately -- was taken by party chief JP Nadda and Union Home Minister Amit Shah during their visit to Kolkata.
Mr Hazra was elected from Bolpur on a Trinamool Congress ticket in 2014 but crossed over to the BJP.
He was the party's Scheduled Caste face and was given the senior post in 2020. He was given another stint in 2023. He was also made the party's co-incharge of Bihar.
But over the last months his statements had triggered controversies.
In September, Mr Hazra made headlines by suggesting that "corrupt" leaders of Trinamool Congress, who are expecting summons by the CBI or the Enforcement Directorate, should contact him to join the BJP.
The party's state unit distanced itself from the comment, in the backdrop of Trinamool's "washing machine" allegations against the party.
"You can go to my Facebook page and contact me. If you feel shy to come forward and talk about joining the BJP, you can get in touch with me and tell me your wish. We will see how your services can be used for the party," Mr Hazra was heard saying in a video that was widely circulated.