BJP leader Khushbu Sundar is in hot water for a 2018 tweet for a remark that got Congress leader Rahul Gandhi sentenced to two years in jail and disqualified from the Parliament. Member of the Congress at that time, Ms Sundar had said the meaning of Modi should be changed to corruption. "Modi is everywhere, but what's this? Modi surname is linked with corruption," she had tweeted.
"Yahan #Modi wahan #Modi jahan dekho #Modi..lekin yeh kya?? Har #Modi ke aage #bhrashtachaar surname laga hua hai..toh baat ko no samjho..#Modi mutlab #bhrashtachaar..let's change the meaning of #Modi to corruption..suits better..#Nirav #Lalit #Namo = corruption..," she posted in Hindi.
Khushbu Sundar said Congress was 'desperate' to bring up her old tweets. "Congress party raking up an old tweet of mine shows how desperate they are," she told news agency PTI.
"I am not ashamed of the 'Modi' tweet posted when I was in the Congress party. I was only following the leader and speaking the language of the party then," she added.
Ms Sundar, who is also an actor and National Commission for Women (NCW) member, joined the BJP in 2020 after quitting Congress.
Rahul Gandhi, the leading face of the Congress, was on Thursday convicted in a defamation case by a court in Gujarat, the home state of PM Modi. He was sentenced to two years in jail and consequently, he was disqualified as an MP the next day. He is yet to appeal the verdict in a higher court.
Congress supporters shared the screenshot of the tweet on social media, asking whether Gujarat minister Purnesh Modi, who filed the case against Rahul Gandhi, will file a case against Khushbu Sundar.
The case stemmed from Mr Gandhi's alleged remark at a 2019 election rally implying PM Modi is a criminal. "How come all thieves have Modi as the common surname," he had said in Karnataka's Kolar, leading to multiple defamation cases being filed against him in various states.