The daughter of a BJP lawmaker in Uttar Pradesh, who had posted a video on social media claiming she was in danger from her father for marrying a man outside her caste, on Friday said Sakshi Mishra was feeling safe after the police promised them protection after the media's intervention.
"I am feeling safe now. When we first met the SSP (police chief) sir, he didn't give a proper response. But after we approached the media, he has now promised to provide us protection. We are not scared now, we are feeling safe," Sakshi Misra, 23, told NDTV.
Ms Misra is the daughter of Rajesh Misra, a legislator from Bareilly. Sakshi Mishra married Ajitesh Kumar, a 29-year-old businessman, last Thursday at a temple in Prayagraj.
After a social media uproar, the legislator had claimed that he had objected to his daughter's marriage not because of caste but because of the age difference and her husband's low income.
Ms Misra, however, refuted her father's claims.
"I have lived in that house and I know they believe in the caste system. I am sure if I had told them that I wanted to marry a man from my own caste, they would not have approved of the relationship even then," she added.
Mr Kumar also said that he and his wife felt safer.
"I appeal to the Prime Minister that he should call Rajesh Misra ji for a meeting and make him change his mentality," he said on Friday.
In the video, Ms Misra had claimed that her father had sent goons after her.
"Papa, you have sent your goons after Rajiv Rana... I am tired... We are tired of running around and our life is in danger. Vicky (her brother) and Papa, stop troubling Abhi (Mr Kumar) and his relatives. You live in peace, do politics. I want to be happy and free," she had said in the video.
"Through this video, I want to say that if in future anything happens to me, Abhi or his family, my father, Vicky Bhartaul and Rajiv Rana will be responsible for it... Those who are helping my father, stop helping him because our lives are in danger. Please Papa, change your mindset. Abhi and his family are good people, they are not animals," she had added.
The BJP lawmaker had denied his daughter's charge and said there was "a political conspiracy" against him.
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