The BJP's Nishikant Dubey has demanded immediate suspension of Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra, alleging that she "took bribes to ask questions" in parliament from businessman Darshan Hiranandani to target the Adani group and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mr Dubey has written to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, accusing Ms Moitra of breach of parliamentary privilege, contempt of House and criminal conspiracy.
Ms Moitra has said she welcomes any kind of inquiry.
The Hiranandani Group also rubbished the allegations, saying they have "no merit". "We have always been in the business of business and not in the business of politics. Our group has always worked with the government in the interest of the nation and will continue doing so," said a spokesperson of the Hiranandani Group.
The Hiranandani Group had lost energy and infra contract to the Adani Group and Ms Moitra's questions were directed at perpetuating the business interests of the former, Mr Dubey has indicated in his letter to Mr Birla.
He claimed that Mr Hiranandani has paid Rs 2 crore and gifts like expensive i-phone to the Trinamool MP and has given her Rs 75 lakh to contest elections.
Between 2019 and 2023, fifty of the 61 questions asked by the MP were at the behest of Darshan Hiranandani, Mr Dubey has alleged. The MP had given the businessman access to her Lok Sabha account where the questions were posted directly by Mr Hiranandani or Ms Moitra on his behest, his letter claimed, citing "painstaking research" done by advocate Jai Anand Dehadrai. The advocate has approached the CBI with some of his allegations.
Ms Moitra has asked questions on oil and gas supply from Paradip, Dhamra Port, urea subsidy, steel prices affecting real estate and the powers of the Income Tax Department, he alleged, adding that the Opposition parties took their cue from her.
In his letter, he has also referred to the cash for questions scam that made headlines in 2005, in which 11 MPS were suspended in a "record time of 23 days" and added that the current situation is no more than a "re-emergence of the cash for query".
Ms Moitra, he added, should be suspended immediately from the House pending an inquiry.