BJP MP Pragya Thakur has been named in a police case for allegedly making a provocative speech in Karnataka's Shivamogga. The complaint against the Bhopal MP alleged that she made derogatory remarks against Muslims while speaking at the Hindu Jagarana Vedike's South Region annual convention
At the event, Pragya Thakur had said Hindus have the right to respond to those who attack them and their dignity, even as she spoke about the killing of Hindu activists.
"Love jihad, they have a tradition of jihad, if nothing they do love jihad. Even if they love they do jihad in that. We (Hindus) too love, love the god, a sanyasi loves his god," Thakur said.
"Sanyasi says in this world created by god, end all the oppressors and sinful, if not the true definition of love will not survive here. So answer those involved in Love Jihad the same way. Protect your girls, teach them the right values," she added.
Thakur also called on Hindus to at least keep the knives in their homes sharp, as everyone has the right to protect themselves.
"Keep weapons in your homes, if nothing else, at least knives used to cut vegetables, sharp...Don't know what situation will arise when....Everyone has the right to self protection. If someone infiltrates our house and attacks us, giving a befitting replay is our right ," she said.
(With PTI inputs)
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