The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has named its candidates for nine assembly bypolls spread across Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Nagaland, and its nominees include Sangeeta Chauhan whose husband Chetan Chauhan, an international cricketer and a minister in the Yogi Adityanath government, had died in August after testing positive for the coronavirus.
Ms Chauhan will contest from Naugawan Sadat, which was represented by her husband in the Uttar Pradesh assembly.
The party has also fielded the wife of another former MLA, Virendra Singh Sirohi. Usha Siroho will contest the bypoll in Bulandshahr on a BJP ticket.
In Bangarmau, the party has given ticket to Shrikant Katiyar after its MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar was disqualified following his conviction in the Unnao rape case.
The Election Commission has announced bypolls to one Lok Sabha and 56 assembly seats spread across 12 states for November 3 and 7.
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